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Firewood available for residents

Last Updated Oct 25, 2016 at 7:14 am MDT

PHOTO. Trees burnt from the wildfire. Tree Canada is back with Operation ReLeaf. The tree replanting program returns for its third year in Wood Buffalo providing grants to residents, and Indigenous and community groups committed to re-greening Wood Buffalo. NKS Photography. Used with permission.

The Municipality is continuing to remove trees that burned during the wildfire that pose a safety hazard to the community.

Some of the timber is available for residents to use this winter. Firewood will be available for residents in 4 – 6 feet segments, and can be picked-up at the following locations, on a first come, first served basis:

  • Beacon Hill
    Location: Temporary parking lot across from Beale Crescent.
    Dates Available: Sept. 28 – Oct. 30
  • Abasand
    Location: Parking lot across from Ecole Boreal
    Dates Available: Sept. 28 – Oct. 30
  • Thickwood
    Location: Abraham’s Land
    Dates Available: Oct. 7 – Oct. 30


The scope of the tree removal work will include burned trees that have fallen, those with burned roots that are leaning but haven’t fallen, and trees that are partially burned near the base and have little to no structural support and are at risk of falling. This work is not related to the FireSmart program.

Work is expected to be complete by the end of October.