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Blake wants province to inspect council

Mayor Melissa Blake says she’ll be asking council to consider opening up its own doors to inspection at its next meeting.

Blake notified council last night that she’ll move for council to ask the province to examine the way it’s been operating.

“And the government act does allow for the Minister’s office to appoint somebody to come in, analyze the kinds of things that we’re doing and asking for, and how we’re conducting our business and whether our meetings are going the way they should. Whether we’re meeting things that we could be, should be, would be in the appropriate way,” she said.

The motion appeared to be a response to the push by some councillors to have an independent audit of the city’s finances.

The Mayor is asking for the province to come in and see whether Wood Buffalo council is doing its job properly.

“So it’s a counter part in my mind to the audit that we’re doing externally. It’s one that would look at our proceedings and operations, our policies and just make sure that we’re conducting our business the way we’re supposed to,” she said.

The new council has been marked by plenty of disagreement and tension between Blake and former Mayor Guy Boutilier.

Mayor Melissa Blake says she wants to take the idea of accountability at council one step further.

She told council last night she’ll move to ask the province to send a representative to take a closer look at how council is running.

The motion looked to be in response to the wishes of some councillors, who want an independent auditor to look at city finances.