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Dancing with the Stars: Another Contestant Is Eliminated

As the last two elimination episodes of Dancing with the Stars have proven, being at the top of the leaderboard doesn’t necessarily equal safety from dismissal.

Monday night’s lowest scoring couples – Carson Kressley and Anna Trebunskaya, Chaz Bono and Lacey Schwimmer and Nancy Grace and Tristan McManus – have consistently been placed in the bottom by judges, but have been saved each week by voters.

Did Tuesday night’s episode send another unexpected couple home? Or were one of the three bottom-scoring couples given the boot?

A sense of order returned: Kressley was elminated. A crowd favorite, his departure was greeted by a loud “Nooooooo!” from the audience.

“Thank you to everybody at dancing with the stars,” he said. “This has been pure joy to me. … I hope I could make everyone laugh and smile. It was great being here.”
Story courtesy of Dahvi Shira of people.com