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RMWB crime prevention sessions this Thursday

The municipality is partnering with the Wood Buffalo RCMP, the St. Aidan’s Society and the regional security director with ConocoPhillips Canada to provide two crime prevention sessions this Thursday evening.

Learning to protect yourself against crime is a key element of public safety, according to the RMWB.

The sessions are free and will be offered at the Golden Years Society.

In the first session, which runs from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., members of the Wood Buffalo RCMP and the St. Aidan’s Society will present personal safety tips that are tailored to seniors and their unique needs.

The second session, which runs from 8 to 9 p.m., will be with Roger Monette of ConocoPhillips Canada who will explain identity theft and how to prevent it happening to you. Monette has over 30 years of experience in security and crime prevention.

Monette will teach participants to recognize the warning signs of a fraud of scam and explain who to contact if a person feels they’re at risk of having their identity stolen.

Registration is not required for the sessions.

For more information on crime prevention in Wood Buffalo, please contact Mark Kay, Crime Prevention Community Liaison, at mark.kay@rmwb.ca or 780-788-4364.