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RMWB reiterates bear safety tips

Residents are reminded that bear encounters have risen sharply in and around Fort McMurray.

If you see a bear before it spots you, move to safety as quietly as possible and call Fish and Wildlife at 780-598-2346 or 780-743-9817.

If you see a bear and it sees you, don’t run. You will not outrun a bear. Instead, keep your eyes on the bear as you back away. Wave your arms over your head so you appear as large as possible. If the bear charges you, make as much noise as you can to try and scare it away.

There are several things you can do to avoid bear encounters:

• Wear a bell or talk aloud when using trails. This will scare off bears before they have a chance to sneak up on you.
• Avoid earphones while walking or running outdoors
• Secure your garbage and BBQs so that bears don’t have an easy food source
• Don’t leave food out