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"Off the Beaten Trail"

Thursday March 15th,6:30 pm-8:45pm

Room Bob Lamb Building, Room 234

All outdoor enthusiasts (non-motorized) are invited together for one evening per month, share good food, adventures, places to go enjoy the outdoor and learn about the safe practice of outdoor activities.


6:30pm Meal / Welcome

 6:45 Presentation from Jessica: “Journeys in a Northern Island Paradise: 50 Days by Kayak in the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area”

 8:05 Presentation from Elizabeth: Richardson sand dunes and Six lakes (Gem of Wood Buffalo!).

 8:25 Special Guest: Maria (15 Years old) who climbed the Kilimanjaro; highest mountain in Africa!



 Mucho Burrito: Fresh Mexican food (Specify if you are vegetarian)


 *You have to confirm prior to Monday 8:00 pm if you want to eat with us. If you confirm for a meal and don’t show up, an invoice will be sent to you to cover the cost of your meal.


$10:00/person for meal and evening  (includes drinks and desert) (no charge if you are a speaker)

 $2:00/person if you don’t eat. This is to pay part of the meal for speakers

 Register at: egirard7@hotmail.com

 Visit our web site: www.woodbuffaloadventureclub.org

 How to get there:

From HWY 63, take the exit for King Street (traffic circle in front of fire hall). Go down King Street in front of Keyano College. At the first set of lights, turn right on Franklin. Turn right in the first driveway.  If you park in the parking lot there is a $2:00 charge (pay at booth).