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Groups call for independent pipeline safety review

The pressure is on the provincial government to call an independent review of oil pipeline safety in Alberta.

17 landowner, environmental, and labour groups have joined together to demand Alison Redford take action.

Chelsea Flook from the Sierra Club says after two high profile leaks this month, it’s time for an outside expert to come in.

“We just think that it’s time to have someone independent, arms-reach from the government, have a look at the system,” she said, “and see if there’s any infrastructure, maintenance, overhauls, or anything that can be done to further protect Albertans and our water supply, and our land.”

Last week, an oil sands pipeline that runs from Fort McMurray to Hardisty spilled 230 thousand litres of crude.

That’s after another line spilled into waterways near Sundre earlier this month.

Published June 25, 2012