First families move into rebuilt Edgewater Court

CORRECTION: The first version of this story said the building burned down in April of 2008; in fact, it was 2007.

The Wood Buffalo Housing and Development Corporation has reopened Edgewater Court A on Gordon White Avenue, after the building was destroyed in a fire in April of 2007.

The first 20 families are moving in, with 74 more to come likely by December.


Corporation President Bryan Lutes says it’ll make a difference – and not just in addressing the demand for housing.

“It’s also helping fill some of our empty school classrooms in the lower townsite that have been an issue over the last few years,” he said, “so it’s a help to the whole lower townsite community.”

Lutes admits it’s been a long process.

“As a result of the fire there were major issues, mainly as a result of the water that was used to put out the fire,” Lutes said. “[It] caused some issues that needed to be corrected, and we’ve worked through them.”

Lutes says the new building is not only up to code, but in several areas it’s gone beyond it.


“The building code today still allows for vinyl siding on balconies,” he noted. “We’ve chosen in all of our buildings to put non-combustible construction on balconies.”

He says the units at the building still aren’t finished being leased out, and people interested should apply at the Haxton Building downtown or by visiting the corporation’s website here.

Published August 1, 2012

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