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Muse's Olympic track was about the end of the world

Muse’s Olympic track was about the end of the world.

Muse frontman Matt Bellamy was surprised their song ‘Survival’ was selected as the official track of the London 2012 Olympics, as its lyrics are about the end of the world.

The band recorded the official anthem for the London 2012 Olympics this summer, but frontman Matt Bellamy admits their song ‘Survival’ may not have been as appropriate for the occasion as many thought, due to its subject matter.

The singer, 34, said: ”Now it’s all over, we can say that the song was really written more about survivalists. There was this TV show called ‘[Doomsday] Preppers’, which was all about these crazy survivalists who think the world is gonna end.

”The song is basically about that. So I was just making a comment that I was as surprised as everybody else when the song got selected for the Olympics.”

‘Survival’ was used on Olympic broadcasts around the world, playing to millions of viewers during coverage of the games.

The song also features on Muse’s sixth studio album, ‘The 2nd Law’.

The band – which also includes Dominic Howard and Chris Wolstenholme – have previously stated they ”wrote the track with the Olympics in mind,” adding: ”It’s about total conviction and pure determination to win.”

Source: www.inmusic.ca