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Angus T Jones is going back to work

The Half is back!

Ever since Angus T. Jones bashed Two and a Half Men in a now-viral video, it begged the question: Will the 19-year-old actor return to the hit show?

If he has it his way, he will.

“Angus expects to report to work after the holiday break in January,” says a source close to the star. “He intends to honor his contract through the end of the season.”

Jones, who called the show “filth” and urged viewers in a video interview on a religious website to stop watching, issued an apology Tuesday night, saying he has the “highest regard” for the “wonderful people” on the show.

Although Jones is not featured in an episode that tapes next week, he intends to show up on schedule after the break, the source says.

In the meantime, the source adds, “Angus is feeling positive and he is concentrating on spending some downtime with family and friends.”