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UPDATE: RMWB Residential snow removal

Wood Buffalo urge motorists to drive according to road conditions, after reporting several collisions in the region the morning of Feb. 12, 2019.

On Monday residential streets started having snow removed.

The city says that it has finished Abasand, Grayling Terrace, and Beacon Hill.

Timberlea is about 50% clear and Prairie Creek has about 60% more to go.

The city is expected to move onto Waterways today, and Downtown tomorrow.

On Saturday removal will start in Wood Buffalo, Sunday, Dickensfield and Monday in Thickwood.

Back alleys are being completed at the same time.

The city is reminding you to expect delays as snow removal gear is kept away from refuse collection equipment.

For more snow removal information, call:
–> 780.743.7859 (roads)

–> 780.799.5832 (sidewalks)

January 15th, 2013