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RCMP officers cleared in 2012 shooting

Alberta’s Serious Incident Response Team has concluded two RCMP officers that shot a 16-year-old were justified in their actions.

The investigation came from an incident in February 2012, when the teen driver was stopped and boxed in at an intersection by police after they had confirmed his car to be stolen.

Two officers fired shots at the driver after he attemped to drive through the barricade and hit a police officer.

One shot hit the driver, and after he was stopped, was sent to hospital and treated for his injury.

The full investigation involved ten ASIRT investigators, 21 civilian witnesses, and 19 police witnesses.

A crown prosecuter reviewed the investigation, and provided the opinion that no criminal charges be laid against the two officers involved, an opinion that was agreed with by ASIRT’s Acting Executive Director Jane McClellan.

April 18, 2013