I.T.U.: Drivers charges include racing, drinking and driving in 2 day stint

The Integrated Traffic Unit is speaking out about a busy 2 day stint that involves drivers getting charged with racing, speeding, careless driving , and drinking and driving.

An 18 and 20 year-old were charged with racing after getting caught tripling the 50 kilometre limit down Confederation Way towards 63.

I.T.U. says one of the men was driving a car but the other on a motorcycle was also charged for driving uninsured. and his bike was impounded.


It says over the past 2 weeks, it’s caught 6 drivers racing.

A 21 year-old motorcylist who’s licence was suspended 6 days before, was caught at 180km/h in a 100km/h zone on 63 near Syncrude while weaving dangerously through traffic.

He was charged with speeding, careless driving, driving while suspended as well as 2 other offenses.

He had his motorcycle seized by the province for 30 days, he’s  facing four mandatory court charges and he’s looking at high fines, further suspensions and jail time.

Also, at a late night check stop, 72 and 24 hour driving suspensions were given to two drivers who had been drinking, and both vehicles were towed.


Another driver was charged for driving while suspended and uninsured and had his vehicle seized as well.

I.T.U. reminds drivers to be aware of their driving behaviour.

August 29th, 2013

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