Ottawa sources: Harper wrote Obama to harmonize GHG emissions regulations

Reports that the Prime Minister is asking the White House for harmonized standards for North American green house gas emissions are making environmentalists skeptical.

Ottawa sources say last month, Stephen Harper wrote President Barack Obama with an offer to work together on regulations, but in exchange for approval of the Keystone X.L. oil sands pipeline.

The PM’s office isn’t confirming the letter, but says making emission policies common with the States has been a long time government goal.


A spokesperson says the two countries already integrated oil and gas economies which emphasizes the need to work together to reduce emissions.

Trade-off talks about TransCanada’s proposed project have been happening since the start of the year when Obama said his intention is to grow his climate change agenda.

The Keystone X.L. would move Albertan bitumen to Gulf Coast refineries.

September 9th, 2013

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