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Council approves pursuit of Age-friendly label

The RMWB will make changes to make Wood Buffalo a better place to live for the region’s aging population. Last night, Dave Hodson of the Advisory Committee on Aging presented a council with a World Health Organization program. The Age-Friendly designation is an international criteria that only four municipalities in Canada meet.

“When you go down south, you’ve got lots and lots of people and you’ve got the for-profit sector that fills gaps. You go to Edmonton and there’s lots of homes kicking around. Well they don’t come to Fort McMurray for a lot of reasons, mostly economic,” said Hodson.

He says the RMWB faces challenges when it comes to providing for seniors and the program pushes communities to achieve environmental, social and economic factors that benefit the aging. Mayor Melissa Blake explains why she voted in favour of it.

“You make a decision to pursue a designation because you believe in it’s purpose. And I very much believe in developing our community with age in mind, from the youngest to the oldest, all included,” she said.

According to the province, the number of seniors in Alberta is going to increase by more than 50 per cent in the next 10 years.