Bill Nye denounces oil sands in APTN interview

(File photo of Shell oil sands operation north of Fort McMurray. SUPPLIED)

Science educator and “Science Guy” Bill Nye has denounced the oil sands after taking an aerial tour of production sites on the weekend, according to an interview he gave to APTN National News reporter Brandi Morin.

Nye told APTN it was difficult to describe what he saw of the expanse of operations in the oil sands. He told APTN he was “amazed” at the size of production, and the damage it is causing.


“Producing all this oil that’s producing all this carbon dioxide, that’s not good from a global stand point,” Nye told APTN.

“And from an environmental point of view locally, it’s astonishing and overwhelming.”

He told APTN the site was “depressive” to see and was an “extraordinary exploitation” of the environment.

APTN reports that Nye is in Northern Alberta filming a documentary about climate change and only viewed the sites by air.

Nye also visited Fort McKay and spoke to APTN about the issues that community faces.


The film Nye is in the area working on is called Bill Nye’s Global Meltdown.

Nye is the latest in a series of celebrities to speak out against oil sands activities including Leonardo DiCaprio and Neil Young.

You can read the full report from APTN here.

Requests from MyMcMurray for an interview with Bill Nye were denied by his communications staff.

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