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Can Man Dan in Fort McMurray today

(PHOTO PROVIDED: Can Man Dan Tour Logo)

Can Man Dan, an anti-poverty activist & community organizer, is making four stops across the province on a special tour, raising awareness and supporting local food banks by taking part in winter campouts and that includes a stop in Fort McMurray.

Dan Johnstone will be camping outside the Safeway downtown beginning at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, collecting food and monetary donations for the Wood Buffalo Food Bank.

He is hoping to ensure that every child, woman & man has a hot meal on their table this holiday season.

“This is a very tough year for Albertans, Food Bank numbers across Alberta are seeing record highs, shelves are empty, and people are in need. It’s really, really sad. A lot of good people have been laid off in the past few months and they’re stressing about how to make ends meet and keep their family fed, it’s tough out there, and the numbers show it,” said Johnstone in a release.

This is the fifth year Johnstone has hosted these winter campouts, and says this year is “by far, the most needed.” He will be doing two campouts in Edmonton as well as one in Lethbridge during his tour.

The goal is to raise 20,000 pounds of food and $15,000 for the Wood Buffalo Food Bank.

2015 has seen more than 70 per cent higher need than in previous years at the food bank and even with the success of the annual Syncrude food drive more help is needed to meet the growing need. You can donate online or inside most grocery stores if you can’t make it to support Can Man Dan’s initiative this week.