RCMP escorting convoys of evacuees south from northern camps

(Photo: A convoy of vehicles heads south on Highway 63 after being stuck in camp lodging since a mandatory evacuation hit Fort McMurray on Tuesday, May. 3, 2016. Chris Byrne / HOST. Copyright Rogers Media.)

by Jonathan Muma, 660 NEWS

After being stuck at oil camps for four days, the RCMP has started escorting northern evacuees through Fort McMurray, down to Edmonton.


The convoys started rolling at 6 a.m. Friday morning.

The RCMP is escorting 50 vehicles at a time, south through the Fort McMurray on Highway 63, a distance of about 20 kilometres.

Pilot cars at the front and rear are marshalling the movement, with the help of overhead air monitoring from RCMP in DND Griffin helicopters.

The escort is ensuring all intersections along the route are controlled to make sure no one gets separated.

The RMWB expects it to take four days to move everyone south by convoy.
