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Golden Years launches new drop-in program

Last Updated Jul 6, 2016 at 2:06 pm MDT

The Golden Years Society is launching a new ‘Drop in Program’ that will be held every Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m and coffee and muffins will be served.

“We just started this, right after we got back to Fort McMurray after the wildfire,” said Mari-Lee Paluszak with the Golden Years Society. “Joan thought it would be a good idea if we did something like that so people could come in and talk about what happened.”

She said people attending the drop ins don’t have to talk about the wildfire but it does give them the opportunity to discuss it with friends and people they know.

“Most of it is people are talking about the wildfire and about people who’ve lost their homes and that. So, it’s a healing process,” she said.

There is also the opportunity to speak to staff at the Golden Years Society about issues with insurance companies or mental health so they can direct people to the right avenues for help.

Paluszak said the first drop-in on June 24 saw a lot of discussion about the wildfire but also people connecting with their friends and making new ones.

The drop-ins are open to all seniors in the community, not just members of the society.