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Baking for Bravery collecting donations to thank first responders

Firefighters stationed at Fire Hall No. 4, Timberlea. Photographed August 16, 2015. Sarah Anderson, REPORTER.

A group of local bakers are getting together and collecting donations of home-baked goods to thank the community’s first responders for their work protecting Fort McMurray from ‘The Beast.”

“We want to say thank you from a bunch of grateful homeowners. People who are grateful they still have kitchens to bake in,” said Wendy Bobbett who helped organize Baking for Bravery.

She said it’s not too late, even if you haven’t signed up. They’re accepting all donations of baked goods Thursday evening.

You can bring your donations to the Clearwater Suites Hotel boardroom ‘B’ and the organizers will bring the items to first responders.

If you have questions or would like to get involved you can contact Wendy Bobbett at 780-792-7610.