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Nearly 76,000 residents have returned since re-entry

Last Updated Aug 11, 2016 at 8:56 am MDT

Sign welcoming residents upon re-entry after a 6 week evacuation due to wildfire. Nicole Hemeon Photography.

According to figures provided by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo 86 per cent of Fort McMurray’s residents have returned since the Jun. 1, re-entry date.

As of Tuesday 75,773 residents had checked into Information Centres that for a period of time were set up across the region. Late returning residents are now being asked to check-in via the Future Forward building on Franklin Ave.

Mayor Melissa Blake thinks it’s a sign that people want things to return to normal as soon as possible.

“We know that these are difficult times for many people but the commitment that these citizens have shown in coming back and facing the rebuilding efforts that they must in some cases,” said Blake. “The resumption of again employment and normalcy to the extent possible, we have school that is returning at the end of this month. Frankly I think that people are just anxious to get back into a routine that they are familiar with.”

The number of returnees could actually be higher than the one given by the RMWB, as the Municipality noted that some people have returned but opted not to check-in.

The Mayor is also keenly aware of the fact that some people simply won’t be coming back, while others may have checked-in but are waiting for the right moment to skip town.

“I think one of the things that still hangs out there is how many folks might not be able to come back and whether it’s because of loss or uninsured losses there’s some folks that just won’t be able to. We’ve also got a workforce that has a certain degree of mobility and if they were able to find a comfortable lifestyle elsewhere with little commitment or ties to the community we may have lost some for lifestyle improvements as well.”

The RMWB was unable to fulfill a request for more detail regarding the number of residents of Abasand, Beacon Hill, and Waterways who have returned. The Canadian Red Cross hasn’t divided its numbers in that fashion.