Mexico’s ‘King of Ranchera’ records ballad backing Clinton

MEXICO CITY – Legendary Mexican singer Vicente Fernandez is lending his voice to support Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and potentially drum up Latino voters.

In a video released Wednesday and paid for by the Washington-based Latino Victory Project, the man known as the “King of Ranchera” music sings about working “hand-in-hand” for a Clinton victory.

The group said Fernandez volunteered to appear in the video, which was posted on YouTube and on the singer’s Facebook page .


Fernandez croons that under a Clinton presidency “we will always have a bridge.” He is shown leaning on a ranch fence amid clips of galloping horses, smiling children and a campaigning Clinton.

Fernandez also sings that “my people were hurt that someone would offend us.” It’s an apparent reference to Republican candidate Donald Trump, whose disparaging comments about migrants have angered many Mexicans.

The singer alluded to Trump at an April concert, saying he would “spit in his face” if they ever met.

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