159 more/ 88,000

The second instalment of the 88,000 project will officially launch Tuesday April 25, 2017.

The initial book 93/88,000 told 93 unique stories of evacuation, reentry and the time between.

This second volume, 159 more/88,000 will tell an additional 159 stories of how the wildfire affected residents.


“Almost as soon as I had put the first book to rest,” said Publisher Ashley Tobin, “People began to message me. They were asking if I could extend the deadline or if there was a second book coming out. I hadn’t originally intended too, but the need seemed to be there.”

Tobin says the authors who have contributed to the books have thanked her for the opportunities to express themselves.

“Maybe the books are helping a little bit in the different healing processes everyone is going through. I hope so. The project has been a real labour of love for me. I never imagined how big or how important publishing these stories would become.”

She is still unsure if there will be a third volume of the series.

While supplies last the books can be found at the Keyano Bookstore, Absolute Serendipity, Chocolates and Candlelight, Chow’s Varieties, Coles Fort McMurray, Heritage Park Gift shop, and The Final Touch.



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