Provincial program funds repairs on Fort Chipewyan winter road

Alberta’s Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program (STIP) will support 87 municipal road, bridge and community airport projects in 50 communities across the province in 2017-18.

The Budget for the program in 2017 includes $100 million in STIP funding over three years with more than $37 million approved for projects in 2017-18 for municipal infrastructure.

Approved initiatives for the 2017-18 funding include the local road bridges program, resource road program, local municipal initiatives and the community airport program.


The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo will be part of the local road bridges program and be getting a culvert replacement on the Fort Chipewyan Winter Road near Fort Mckay.

“STIP funding helps our rural and smaller urban municipalities sustain their local transportation infrastructure which contributes to a higher quality of life in these communities. Investing in our towns and counties through STIP will not only ensure they have the roads and bridges they need to grow sustainably, but will also help to create good-paying construction and engineering jobs, “ said Brian Mason, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Infrastructure

The estimated total cost of the project is $765, 380 with the bulk of the funding, $574, 035 coming from the STIP grant and the rest, $191, 345 from the municipality.

“Strong transportation networks are vital to making rural Alberta a great place to live, work and invest. The AAMDC is pleased by the Government of Alberta’s commitment to restoring STIP funding, as it will play a large role in supporting rural municipalities in their continual work to maintain and improve local road bridges, resource roads and community airports. The AAMDC looks forward to working with the Government of Alberta to ensure that STIP funding continues and reflects the strong partnership between the Government of Alberta, the AAMDC and Alberta’s rural municipalities,” said Carolyn Kolebaba, Vice-President of the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties and Deputy Reeve of Northern Sunrise County

The Government of Alberta restored funding to STIP as part of its $29.5-billion four-year Capital Plan that is putting Albertans back to work, connecting communities and improving safety and travel on roads and highways.

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