Condominium owners have chance to voice concerns

The open house will be on Thursday, Aug. 3 2017, from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse Atrium at the Syncrude Athletic Park.

Condominium owners are invited to an open house to provide feedback on governance issues.

Minister of Service Alberta, Stephanie McLean will be facilitating the event.

She noted that with the rebuild going on in Fort McMurray there is potential for additional condominium property ownership.


“I encourage everyone who owns, manages or develops condos to share their ideas and stories with me. One-quarter of all Albertans live in condos, and it’s important we hear their perspectives as we create fair new rules that work for everyone,” said McLean.

The engagement sessions will allow condominium owners, corporations, managers and others to suggest improvements to condominium board governance issues such as rules, rental deposits, termination of agreements and insurance requirements.

The open house will be on Thursday, Aug. 3 2017, from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse Atrium at the Syncrude Athletic Park.

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