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Lack of housing greatest issue among seniors: report

An Age-Friendly Needs Assessment has highlighted some difficulties seniors are faced with in the community.

In June 2017, the Advisory Committee on Aging (ACoA) launched the assessment that looked at eight areas of community life set out by the World Health Organization.

The assessment was done in both the urban and rural areas, with responses determining that lack of housing was the greatest issue.

Rural residents also identified community support and health services and communication as significant issues.

In the urban service area communication, civic participation and employment were rated as high issues.

“This report signifies the beginning of another important phase of our work,” said Linda Mywaart, Committee Chair. “Eventually, this report will allow us to identify and implement strategies to improve the lives of seniors in our region.” 

In both areas of town, seniors gave the outdoor spaces and buildings positive responses.

The report will be presented to council in the fall.