VOTE FOR ME: Allan Vinni

With election day on Monday, Oct. 16 has asked each of the mayoral candidates to describe, themselves, their platform, and why voters should support them. They are published in the order received using the VOTE FOR ME byline. Linked here is Allan Vinni’s response.

My name is Allan Vinni.

Over the past 2 decades I have been a passionate advocate for this region. I have had the opportunity to be on Regional Council for the past seven years.

I am proud of the work that our municipality has and is doing to assist everyone in getting through the challenges created by the aftermath of the Wildfire that devastated our region.


There is still much work to be done.

I will always feel tremendous admiration for all of you, the people of this region, who took on the post-fire reality and are rebuilding our community.

You can depend on me to be there with you. I have worked in the legal profession as a lawyer since arriving here, and have been committed to my position as a municipal councillor through thick and thin over the seven years.

My platform is not platitudes, it is about ideas.

I have solutions that I offer for your consideration concerning the issues that confront us today.


Please go to my website at to see my posts concerning the story regarding Bill 21 and Bill 8, and what I propose that we do to counteract the negative ramifications that this Provincial legislation will create in this region.

On the My Community website,, are my responses to the many questions that have been asked of all the candidates.

I think what sets my answers apart from those of my opponents is that I talk about ideas.

I have identified actions that we can actually do, starting tomorrow, to build better communities. I am unique amongst the mayoralty candidates in that I have been working as an elected official in this region.

I know what is going on, I know what we can do to solve problems and make things better, I have been doing that.


With your consent, I will continue working with you to make this region run properly and effectively.
As Mayor, I will be positioned to advocate for what I have heard that the people of this region want their local government to be.

It is not the time to experiment with untested candidates, it is not time for your vote to be bought with platitudes and parties, it is a time to put my municipal experience and passion for this region to work for you.

I understand the total and ongoing commitment that the role of Mayor requires, I will not disappoint you.

Together we can make this region better with each passing day.

Thank you, Allan Vinni.



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