Alberta threatens lawsuit after Sask bans Alberta licence plates on job sites

Saskatchewan has banned Alberta licence plates on future job sites.

The Alberta government is giving Saskatchewan one week to revoke its ban on Alberta licence plates at Saskatchewan job sites or face court action under free trade rules.

And Alberta Economic Development Minister Deron Bilous said Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall needs to “smarten up.”

“Brad Wall is absolutely desperate,” Bilous said.


Bilous made the comments just hours after the Saskatchewan government announced that any new contracts for government work on buildings and highways require any and all worker vehicles to not have Alberta plates.

Saskatchewan Infrastructure Minister David Marit said it’s in response to complaints from its workers that Alberta has already put in similar restrictions.

Ministry staff will enforce the provision through job-site monitoring.

Bilous said there is no such restriction on Saskatchewan plates, and he says Wall is desperately trying to deflect attention from a sagging provincial economy.

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