Alberta government: holiday fire safety should be top of mind

While fire safety might seem like common sense, during the holidays it can easily be overlooked.

Not only should you always have working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, but also a fire escape plan that has two exits.

Always stay in the kitchen when you’re cooking to avoid kitchen fires. If one starts slide a lid on top and turn off the burner.


Remember to water your Christmas tree and avoid overloading electrical outlets, using frayed cords and placing extension cords under rugs.

If you’re using space heaters at any time of the year keep them at least one metre from things like curtains and furniture and unplug them when you leave or go to bed.

Smokers should use large, deep and fire-proof ashtrays and never use plant pots.

The most obvious, but often forgotten is to always blow out candles.

According to the Government of Alberta a house fire can turn deadly in as little as three minutes.



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