Westview students donate 1700 pairs of socks to Centre of Hope

Students at Westview Public School came together this week to donate socks to the Centre of Hope.

Principal Jeff Porter said they ended up with an extra day of inline skating for the students after the instructor was sick.

The problem was that not every class would be able to participate, so they decided to create a last-minute contest.


He said he was surprised by the turnout since they only told parents and students the day before the drive.

“I think we had over 1000 pairs in the morning, then parents kept coming in that morning bringing more socks too. So it ended up just being a huge event. I think we had just about 1700 pairs of socks dropped off.” 

The classes that brought in the most donations were able to participate in the extra day of skating.

Porter said he even heard feedback from stores in town that were curious about their increase in sock sales.

The Centre of Hope was presented the socks at an assembly on Jan. 24.

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