Food bank hamper challenge highlights local concerns

The Wood Buffalo Food Bank is challenging the minds and stomachs of the RMWB’s local elite.

This month, various local celebrities from the media world will attempt to live on two week’s worth of provisions from the Wood Buffalo Food Bank (WBFB).

Called the Hamper Challenge, each of the entrants receives a list of items found on the shelves of the WBFB.


The Food Bank’s Executive Director, Dan Edwards, and the Communications and Development Coordinator, Anna Noble, will also participate in the two-week long challenge.

The goal of the hamper challenge is to highlight a growing concern for the people in our region who rely on the food stocked in the WBFB.

Lately, families must get by with less around this time of year, according to Dan Edwards.

“Unfortunately, there has been a decline in donations coming in since the holiday season, which is leading towards the possibility of us having to reduce the size of our hampers in the near future in order to provide something for everyone.”

The WBFB want to provide full and healthy hampers to families and people in need, and cash donations enable volunteers to purchase fresh foodstuffs for them and provide other services.


Sign up on the Wood Buffalo Food Bank website, if you would like to make a donation or volunteer.

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