Mandel to get tough on measles in schools

With the spring election looming, Alberta party leader Stephen Mandel weighed into the debate surrounding vaccinations for children.


This afternoon, Mandel announced that under his government, vaccinations must be mandatory for all children attending any publicly-funded schools in the province.


Mandel, who previously served as the PC Health Minister, says his party would consult the medical community to finalize the details and any exemptions.

The recent measles outbreaks served as motivation for Mandel’s pitch.

“At a time when measles outbreaks are rising throughout the world, and even occurring in Canada, it’s more important than ever that our children and communities are protected.”

Recent outbreaks in the Pacific Northwestern United States, Vancouver, and one travelling in Edmonton alarmed parents across the country.

Under the Alberta Party plan, Mandel said children would also need their immunizations to be up-to-date.


“This is a public health issue, plain and simple,” Mandel said. “We send our kids to school to learn, not to get sick.”

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