Municipality to review shared services model with RRC

Mayor and council asked the administration for a third-party review of the governance model between the Municipality and the Regional Recreation Corporation (RRC).

Council approved Mayor Scott’s motion for the review by a margin of 8 to 1.

“A lot of people obviously think that the gem of the region, including me.” Said Mayor Don Scott, “So we want to make sure it’s being dealt with in the right way, and run efficiently.”

The review would suggest if the RMWB and RRC should share or twin particular roles, for example.

Mayor Scott reiterated they support the RRC board, but questions if the model serves both groups and provides “good oversight”.

“I often spend half my time saying how great the RRC is, and spend a lot of my time there [at Mac Island], but I want to make sure our model is the best that we can do.”

As a member on the RRC board, councillor Murphy said the shared services model requires tweaking.

Similarly, Councillor Balsom said they can find a solution in the spirit of collaboration.


However, Councillor Stroud voted against the motion arguing they should discuss it with the RRC board first.

Councillor Inglis supported the motion, but like his fellow Councillors worries what a third-party evaluation would cost.

Asset Management System Policy

Council unanimously supported the new Asset Management System Policy.

The policy devises service area plans for the region’s infrastructure, sanitation, transportation, and facilities.

It assists capital budgeting with asset inventory, maintenance, and replacement.


Mayor Don Scott said the system was “long overdue”.

“A few of the Councillors expressed shock that it hadn’t been done before.”

He said it’s important they manage assets the right way.

Council also voted to hold a special meeting to address the Property Tax Rate Bylaw.

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