Sixth season of Home Fire Safety Program to focus on Dickensfield

The sixth season of the Home Fire Safety Program will serve the area of Dickensfield.

The free initiative delivered by Regional Emergency Services (RES) with support from Enbridge Pipelines aims to educate residents of potential fire risks and hazards in the home.

Door-to-door services include installation of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.


RES will also provide an inspection checklist and identify potential hazards.

Senior fire inspector and fire investigator with RES, Jay Goupil said in 2012 the program provided 74 homes with smoke alarms.

“This basically just for public education first and foremost, but also for us to spread the word that, you know, a smoke alarm is your first line of defence.”

Since the launch of the program in 2012, RES has inspected around 1200 homes, installing more than 1400 smoke alarms.

The program launched in May 2012 and has offered home safety inspections in several neighbourhoods throughout Fort McMurray.


Since the launch of the program, RES has inspected approximately 1200 homes and installed over 1400 smoke alarms.

If you live within the Urban Service Area, you can contact the Pulse Line to schedule a home inspection.

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