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'John Doe DNA' from 1992 matched to California rape suspect

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California prosecutors used an unusual tactic to identify a suspect for three rapes committed more than 25 years ago.

Investigators tucked away rape kit samples from the attacks between 1992 and 1994 in the Sacramento and Davis areas. Sacramento County prosecutors never identified a suspect at the time but filed charges against the anonymous snippet of DNA code in 2000, just two days before the statute of limitations was to run out.

They announced Monday that they finally linked the “John Doe DNA” to a person: 59-year-old Mark Manteuffel. He was arrested Friday in Decatur, Georgia.

Manteuffel was linked through family DNA, similar to the way charges were brought against the so-called Golden State Killer last year.

It was unclear if he had an attorney.

Don Thompson, The Associated Press