Wood Buffalo ranks 365 on best community list

Maclean's has ranked Wood Buffalo as the 365 best community to live in out of 415 communities.

Wood Buffalo has been ranked as the 365th best community to live in out of 415 communities.

The list was compiled by Maclean’s using data from a number of sources, including Environics Analytics, Statistics Canada, Environment Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, Canadian Institute for Health Information and Google Maps.

Each community was compared and then ranked on the following categories: wealth and economy, affordability, population growth, taxes, commute, crime, weather, access to health care, amenities and culture.


Among those categories, Wood Buffalo ranked 50 above last place for affordability, commute and taxes.

The top five communities are all in Ontario, Burlington, Grimsby, Ottawa, Oakville and New Tecumseth.

The bottom five are Lac Ste. Anne County, Alta, East Hants, Alta, St. Andrews Man., St. Clements, Man. with Mountain View County, Alta. taking the last spot.

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