UN peacekeeper killed, 4 others seriously wounded in Mali

BAMAKO, Mali — The United Nations says a peacekeeper from Chad was killed and four other peacekeepers were seriously wounded in a pair of attacks in Mali.

A statement on Sunday says the peacekeeper was killed and three colleagues wounded when their convoy struck an explosive device in Aguelhok in the north.

The statement says a peacekeeper from Togo was wounded in a separate attack when unidentified gunmen assaulted a temporary U.N. operating base in Bandiagara in Mali’s increasingly troubled central region.


The peacekeeping force in Mali is one of the deadliest in U.N. history, with more than 200 forces killed as of the end of August.

The West African nation is struggling to implement a 2015 peace deal while extremists affiliated with al-Qaida and the Islamic State group expand their reach.

The Associated Press

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