Huawei lashes out at Estonia for ‘unfounded’ security claims

HELSINKI — Chinese telecom company Huawei has criticized the Estonian government and media for spreading what it says are “arbitrary and unfounded” allegations about cybersecurity risks related to the company’s mobile phones.

Hong Yang, head of Huawei’s Baltic consumer business, said in a statement Tuesday that the company “is always ready to defend its rights and interests in a situation where any party is spreading baseless rumours and malicious libel.”

He referred to an Estonian television program aired in September that discussed the issue in detail. In it, Foreign Trade and Technology Minister Kert Kingo spoke about alleged security risks with Huawei phones.


It later was reported that Kinko used a Huawei handset as a work phone, and her ministry announced Wednesday that it has now been replaced by an Apple iPhone.

The Associated Press

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