New partnership targets industrial safety services in region

Indigenous construction and energy corporation, Acden, announced a new partnership with safety providers, Bravo Target.

Arising from this agreement is a new company, Acden Bravo Target.

Moreover, the company’s would satisfy the client’s safety service needs within an industry and oilfield setting.


Acden President and CEO, Garry Flett, said Bravo Target earned high regard for their professionalism.

“Our objective is to harness the economic development of the oil sands for the benefit of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) people. Acden Bravo Target allows us to integrate industrial safety services and further enrich our comprehensive service offering by responding to the specialized needs of our valued clients.”

Acden employs at least 2,000 people in more than 20 companies in Wood Buffalo.

Meanwhile, Calgary-based Bravo Target Safety operates facilities in various locations throughout Alberta.

CEO Kevin O’Brien said the company will collaborate with local Indigenous communities to build long-term employment opportunities.


“Acden is highly regarded across the Wood Buffalo region and working together will present new opportunities for the delivery of our industrial and oilfield safety services. Acden is unique in its commitment to the ACFN and its membership.”

Bravo Target Safety has an office in Gregoire.

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