Re-energizing downtown the focus of Council

(CLARIFICATION: A previous version of this article listed a pilot program design charrette that is open to the public when it’s in fact for key stakeholders. We apologize for the error.)

RMWB Council meets on March 10, 2020, with an eye on breathing life back into Fort McMurray’s downtown.

The first major recommendation comes from the Wood Buffalo Downtown Revitalization Advisory Council (WBDTRAC).


Dr Trent Keough shall present its recommendation for a park project at the intersection of Franklin Avenue and Main St.

Formed in November 2019, WBDTRAC reviewed ideas compiled between May and September 2019.

This includes information from at least 100 one-on-one meetings, 24 public engagement sessions, and 1200 online surveys.

On Feb. 18, 2020, committee members unanimously recommended the Council undertake a Franklin and Main Park Project this year.

The 2020 Downtown Revitalization Capital Budget project would cover the funding for the project.


According to the Municipality, it approved $5-million for use in 2020.

RMWB Council previously approved a total of $25-million over five years as part of the downtown project budget.

If approved, the WBDTRAC would outline its next steps for the proposed park such as location and scope in a public design charrette process.

Mayor and Councillors will also hear from the Wood Buffalo Waterfront Advisory Committee, which recommends a year-round event space at Syne Point Park.

RMWB Council meets at 4 p.m. at the Syncrude Park Athletic Clubhouse.

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