Syncrude plans to keep plants running during COVID-19 pandemic

Will Gibson, spokesperson for the company says they are going to maintain staffing levels to ensure a safe and reliable operation.

Syncrude isn’t planning to shut down the plants yet.

Will Gibson, spokesperson for the company said they have plans in place to operate during a pandemic.

“We are going to maintain staffing levels to ensure a safe and reliable operation, we want to make sure the plants are running in the right way.”

Gibson said the organization takes emergency preparedness very seriously and has had a plan in place to deal with pandemics and address potential impacts from repository diseases for many years.

“This started with SARS and then H1N1 and obviously we’ve updated it based on what we’ve got from COVID-19.”

The plans they have in place to operate during a pandemic include sustaining operations.

“Shutting down those plants is a very onerous process, a very stressful process. We were forced to do it in the evacuation, our employees did an amazing job, but it did take us a long time to restart.

He highlights that their employees gained a lot of experience in working during a crisis from the 2016 Horse River Wildfire.


“We believe our employees have demonstrated, so many times in the past, that they’ll do the smart, responsible thing. “

Gibson said Syncrude’s top priority is the safety and well-being of everyone who works at their sites.

The main changes Syncrude has implement to make social distancing easier is having fewer workers on site and staggering meal times so common areas, like the cafeteria aren’t as crowded.

READ MORE: Syncrude to have non-essential employees work from home

Those who use the Diversified buses to get to and from site are also encouraged to practice social distancing on their commute and to sit alone.


They have also moved employee gathers to online webcasts as opposed to having them gather in a room.

“We’re levering technology and other things to do that, in addition we are also talking with stakeholders and others across the region to monitor, prepare and respond to the situation as it evolves.”

They have encouraged all their employees and contract workers to consult with reliable resources, including Alberta Health Services and the Centre for Disease Control and have encouraged good hygiene practices and staying at home if they are sick.

Syncrude has a medical office of health who has been in communication with other medical professional and is being guided by their advice in their response to COVID19.

If employees have been travelling overseas they are supposed to follow proper protocols that have been given by public health professionals on self isolation.


The Oil Sands Community Alliance also sent out a statement on how the industry is responding to potential COVID-19 exposure.


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