Progress made in lifting boil water advisory sooner than expected

The Municipality announced they may lift the boil water advisory before September.

The RMWB said they continue to make progress on the multi-phase plan to flush, disinfect, and test the water in the Water Treatment Plant.

Deputy CAO Matthew Hough spoke at the virtual townhall on May 7, 2020.


“We are looking at numbers now that suggest the length of the total amount of work could be done within 60 days.”

River water from the Athabasca River came into contact with treated water from the plant during the 2020 River Break Up Flood.

Hough said an investigation into the cause is ongoing.

“Our staff, engineering consultants, and the two provincial departments have collaborated closely to refine the plan, and we look forward to the boil water advisory being lifted before September.”

The advisory remains in place for Fort McMurray, Anzac, Draper, Gregoire Lake Estates, and Saprae Creek Estates.


The Water System Recovery Plan received approval from Alberta Environment and Parks.

The multi-phase plan would allow Alberta Health Services and the Municipality to lift the advisories in phases throughout the 375-kilometre potable water distribution system.

The first phase should be complete by next week, so the RMWB can reopen the potable water truck-fill station.

First priority for potable water restoration is at the Northern Lights Regional Health Centre.

As it completes each phase, the RMWB will provide updates.

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