French police clash with youths in suburb over man’s death

PARIS — Police officers in a Paris suburb have clashed with youths protesting the death of a man in a motorcycle crash, authorities said Monday.

Small fires were set in Argenteuil on Sunday night in anger over the death of the 18 year-old man, police said. He was killed in a crash on Saturday evening in which he wasn’t wearing a motorcycle helmet.

French media reported that friends of the victim blame a nearby police car for contributing to the crash, but there was no elaboration on the cause.


Police didn’t immediately provide further details, saying an investigation was ongoing. But police said the teenager’s death caused simmering tensions over the two-month coronavirus lockdown to boil over.

Police fired tear gas to disperse the protests in which some trash bins were set alight. Some riot police entered a public housing estate to scatter a small demonstration.

The Associated Press

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