Keyano College aims to have in-person classes for September 2021

FORT MCMURRY — In-person learning at Keyano College is more likely for the September 2021 semester now that Alberta Health Services (AHS) is rolling out its vaccine immunization program.

Alberta recently moved into Phase 2A of its reopening plan, which follows the path to have every adult Albertan receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of June. That enhances the chance that the current restrictions which limit in-person instruction at post-secondary institutions will be lifted in advance of the Fall semester.

In his correspondence to post-secondary Institution Presidents on March 18, Minister of Advanced Education Demetrios Nicolaides, stated he is encouraging all schools to begin preparations for a full return to in-person instruction on campus for the Fall of 2021.


Keyano College Interim President and CEO, Dale Mountain said they welcome this guidance as it helps address uncertainty for Fall program delivery and will help facilitate planning.

Mountain said Keyano College will strive to reach the goal of full in-person instruction by the Fall semester, however, the college will continue to offer virtual online learning opportunities to students.

He said the college has started planning for the Fall semester with the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff as the number one priority. The college will also work on considerations such as physical distancing and class size.

Mountain said further information and details will be released as they become available.

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