Tackling property crime tops list of priorities for Wood Buffalo RCMP

FORT MCMURRAY (660 NEWS) – Property crime was the top concern of Wood Buffalo residents according to a recent survey.

Earlier this year, Wood Buffalo RCMP asked residents for feedback on what the policing priorities should be for the coming year. A virtual open house was held Thursday evening to reveal the results.

Superintendent Mark Hancock, Wood Buffalo RCMP Officer in Charge, said more than 700 surveys were completed by residents throughout the region.


The number one concern for residents was property crime and thefts, followed by drug complaints, impaired driving, domestic violence, and crime reduction initiatives.

Hancock said the survey results were used to help develop a list of objectives for Wood Buffalo RCMP to focus on in 2021-2022.

The five objectives are as follows:

  1. Reduce property crime offences by five per cent and conduct four crime reduction-focused projects
  2. Increase the number of drug-related charges and conduct drug awareness and educational presentations
  3. Increase the number of impaired driving sanctions and Traffic Safety Act charges
  4. Enhance public confidence and engagement by conducting community town halls and stakeholder engagements
  5. Employee and public wellness – establish a PACT team and public education engagements and have physical wellness challenges and mindfulness training


PACT stands for Police and Crisis Team. Hancock said it is currently in the works and will include a mental health professional that will respond to mental health calls.


During the town hall, Hancock was asked why domestic violence was not on the list of objectives for the year when it was one of the top concerns of survey respondents.

Last year, Hancock said there were 873 domestic violence calls across the region and so far this year, there have been 339. He said Wood Buffalo RCMP has a domestic violence unit that focuses on those investigations.

Hancock assured residents that crimes against persons will always be the top priority for RCMP regardless of survey responses or objectives.

“We have to protect people,” he said. “And violence against anyone has to be investigated, has to be priority number one.”

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