LaGrange to join Hinshaw for Wednesday COVID-19 update

EDMONTON – The province’s education minister will join Dr. Deena Hinshaw for her COVID-19 update to talk about schools reopening.

Adriana Lagrange’s office confirmed Tuesday that Alberta schools are expected to welcome back kids for in-person learning following the long weekend.

READ MORE: Students to go back to in-person learning after long weekend

She’s expected to lay out a plan for K-12 students to return to in-person learning.


Hinshaw’s update, which is usually scheduled for 3:30 p.m., has been moved up to 2:30 p.m.

RELATED: Restrictions could ease as early as next week: Kenney

Premier Jason Kenney said during a Facebook live Tuesday night that he expected students in almost every part of the province to be able to return to schools, with only a couple of regions possibly remaining online.

He did not say which areas but did say they were areas where COVID-19 cases were still climbing.

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