A local face mask company committed to making a difference

RED DEER (660 NEWS) — A company based in central Alberta has reached a major milestone: 15,000 customers across Canada.

Jodee Prouse formally owned a cosmetics company that made bath and body products. Six months into her retirement she found herself getting bored.

“My son had approached me and asked if I wanted to found a company with him down in the states,” Prouse explained.


“So we started another company together, making the same type of products.”

Two and a half years into running their new company, the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

“It was like, ‘how are we going to survive this?’” Jodee explained that’s when they transitioned from selling lotions, to facemasks and came up with their company Service Mask Supply.

“We started off by selling masks to schools who weren’t able to get their hands on high-quality reusable masks,” Prouse told 660 NEWS.

Service Mask Supply boasts 150 unique designs, from breast cancer awareness designs to flamingos. The Prouses design all of their masks as a team.


LISTEN: 660’s Devon Banfield speaks with Jodee Prouse of Service Mask Supply

Each mask costs only $5. Despite the low price, a portion of every sale is donated to mental health charities across Canada, a cause that is close to the Prouse family.

“My son and I, at different times in our lives, have struggled with anxiety and depression,” Prouse said.

“My brother lost his battle with alcohol and depression by taking his own life. So that will always be something I will continue to do.”

The company is also female-driven, but Prouse jokes that they’ve allowed Ryan to join the girls club, running the U.S. side of the operation.


“We have six women as members of staff, with two teenage girls who have their first jobs here,” Prouse said, explaining that in her 20 years as a business owner, she has focused on creating a work environment that supports women.

“I am so much an advocate for women being able to work,” she said.

“Even our staff now, we schedule around children. It’s something we can do to help women still be able to get out and work but still making their family the main priority.”




Despite their success, Jodee says that they are looking forward to the end of the pandemic.

“We are going to celebrate when this is over, just like everyone else,” Jodee said, adding that she’s just grateful that they’ve been able to give back throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

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