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U of C welcomes new Biomedical Engineering department

Last Updated Jan 24, 2022 at 6:43 pm MDT

Scientist Working on Computer In Modern Laboratory

There’s a brand new department at the University of Calgary’s Schulich School of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering.

Interim department head, Dr. Michael Kallos, says it’s an interdisciplinary department involving medicine, engineering, science, nursing, kinesiology, and veterinary medicine.

“The University of Calgary has had a graduate program in biomedical engineering training Masters and Ph.D. students for about 25 years now,” he said. “The new department is really bringing all of those things together in a coordinated way to be kind of a focal point for activities across multiple different faculties.”

Kallos says there’s a wide range of research and activities that fall under the biomedical engineering field.

“We have researchers that are looking at imaging, researchers looking at biomechanics, diagnostic tools for things like COVID as well as infections, machine learning and intelligence for a variety of different things, we have some new faculty interested in wearables, so there is quite a broad range of applying our engineering tools to health problems.”

According to Kallos this expands the school’s capacity to train undergraduate students.

“We’re really looking to partner a lot with industry and provide trainees that are really hit the ground running whether they are going into making diagnostics and devices or looking at therapeutics. I think this is really going to bring a lot of attention to Calgary and provide a strong talent pool of trainees.”

The Biomedical Engineering department is the sixth department at the Schulich School of Engineering.