RMWB commemorates National Indigenous Peoples Day

For the first time in three years, the Regional Municipality will hold an in-person ceremony recognizing National Indigenous Peoples Day, which includes the unveiling of a new ceremonial teepee at Shell Place.

The Municipality recognized National Indigenous Peoples Day in Wood Buffalo.

It’s part of nation-wide celebrations and remembrances held for the first time since before the pandemic.

The RMWB previously unveiled a new crosswalk in downtown Fort McMurray in a video posted to its Facebook page.


Located at the intersection of Franklin Ave. and Main St., the decorative path celebrates the Cree, Dene, and Métis peoples of the region.

The crosswalk leads to the future site of Kiyãm Community Park.

Featured in the RMWB video, the crosswalk includes a medicine wheel rock garden with granite from Fort Chipewyan.

Shell Place hosted a municipal event in recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Called “Burgers and Bannock In the Park” on social media, visitors shared a meal while learning and honouring Indigenous history and diversity.


Mayor Sandy Bowman also read a proclamation and the Municipality unveiled a new ceremonial teepee.

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