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Municipality declares River Breakup is complete

Image supplied the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.

The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo has declared that River Breakup is complete.

READ MORE: RMWB provides River Breakup Community update

in a release issued on April 25, 2023, RMWB Director of Emergency Management and Regional Fire Chief Jody Butz said there is no longer a significant risk of ice jams causing flooding in Fort McMurray and surrounding communities.

“I’m happy to note that we experienced a safe, thermal breakup this year with ice largely melting in place. On behalf of the Municipality, I’d like to thank the entire community for their support keeping neighbourhoods safe by staying informed and preparing for river breakup.”

He stressed residents must stay vigilant every spring.

The Municipality said removal of temporary flood mitigation measures is underway, and free sandbag disposal is available at the Snye Parking Lot.

Residents are also reminded to stay away from riverbanks, which are dangerous due to fast moving currents and cold water.

“Several small ice runs are still expected to pass through for the next few days. This is normal and is not a concern. Anyone taking part in activities near rivers should still be cautious and keep a safe distance from shorelines.”

Construction of permanent flood mitigation along the Athabasca and Clearwater Rivers is ongoing.

Updates from the RMWB will be provided once they’re available.